It's been a month since we finished the Christmas season. And what a great season it was! And we loved getting to see all our faithful customers, as well as meet our new customers. You (our customers) raised over $350 for the Trees for Troops program. But now that the season is over, it doesn't mean we just sit around relaxing waiting for October and the Pumpkin Hunt. Okay...there might have been a little relaxing...

Our whole family recently took a week long cruise to Key West and The Bahamas. Not only was it nice to have everyone together, it was also nice to have time to decompress and get away from everyday reality.
Instead of worrying about watering trees, we worried about how crowded the hot tub was.
Instead of shaking a tree of loose needles, we shook our booties on the dance floor after learning the cha cha cha.
Instead of planting seedlings, we planted ourselves in lounge chairs to sunbathe.
And instead of starting a fire for all the marshmallow roasting, we ate lobster and tried escargo. Life was good!
Now it's time to get back to reality and go plant some more trees. So come next season if we look a little zoned out....we're probably thinking about this: